Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tasty Tuesdays! Flourless PB Cookies

I love this time of year....you know why they call it Thanksgiving??  Cause it's the one day a year that nobody has to watch what they eat, no diets, no guilt, nada....That's a heck of a lot to be thankful for!!

This week I'm proud to announce my first ever appearance as a host on the nationally renowned Hearth and Soul hop!  I just hope these lovely ladies will allow me to fetch the coffee, mop the floors, tend the garden and wash the cars when I'm not working or sleeping.... 

We'd love it if you would contribute your recipe by clicking on the linky at the bottom of the page.   After you finish with the Flourless PB cookie post, head right over to the Hearth and Soul hop and show us what you've got!  The link stays open until Wednesday night.

Now for the recipe!!  By the way I love peanut butter cookies more than is humanly possible....just sayin'


  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup white sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1 egg

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Mix ingredients well and spoon or roll into balls placing evenly on cookie sheet.  Bake approximately 8 - 10 minutes. (I cooked mine for 12 but I have a convection oven that sometimes is confusing on time.)  Let cool and enjoy!!

They're still very soft at this point and I can't wait to try them!
Note:  If rolled into balls, dip a fork in sugar and flatten slightly before baking.  Otherwise you end up with PB cookie balls.....but they're still Gluten Free!!

This post is part of the following blog carnivals.....Go check out these great sites!!


a moderate life said...

Hi Jay-man! Happy two days before thanksgiving! You know one thing that suprised me about the flourless peanut butter cookies (i made some a while back) is that they LAST for a long time and do not at all dry out like floured cookies do! I was so happy to taste them about a week later (kids hid them under a bag of fruit!) and they tasted lovely and fresh! Thanks so much for hosting and posting on the hearth and soul hop! YOu wicked rock! Alex

Hunger and Thirst said...

I love these cookies, I was so surprised the first time I made them. I like to freeze them in little four packs. Thanks for hosting the Hearth and Soul hop.

Heather S-G said...

I take my coffee w/ brown sugar and a dab of milk. ;) LOL, so glad you've joined us as a host of the hearth and soul hop...and these cookies are totally making me drool...they look amazing!

Claudia said...

These look awesome! I've got to try them and soon.

Christy said...

Oh, I just love pb cookies too =-] and that they are g/f is like the bonus of bonuses! Thanks for joining the Hearth and Soul Hop as our newest host! And you are welcome to mop and clean at my house any old time - LOL! (I take my coffee black please! )
Have a great holiday!

Jason@JLHealth said...

I really appreciate the comments from the Fabulous 4. Coffee will perking FIRST thing in the morning!! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I'm proud to be a part of the Hearth and Soul hop.

Thanks so much Claudia!
